Health and Fitness,  Supplements

What’s New? Erceflora Probibears 2-in-1 Probiotic Supplement for Kids!

erceflora probibears ice cream

Great news everyone! A delicious probiotic supplement for a healthier tummy is now available in “candy” form! Introducing, Erceflora Probibears!

When Geof was around 2-3 years old. He loves to put his hands in his mouth. And as a mom, we can’t have our eyes on them 24/7 and sometimes we don’t know what or where they put their hands on! He was prone to indigestion and tummy problems (huhu I feel guilty).

Kaya his pedia recommended us to have Erceflora in our refs in stock. But this was in a tube we have to cut and Geof has to chug like water.

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Dios mio! It was torture for both of us. Imagine the effort it took for him to take his medicine. That’s why when both of us found out it’s now available in a chewy candy form. We wanted to try it right away!

How Does Probibear Taste Like? 

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Probibear tastes like milk candy! If you’re as old as me you’d probably remember Hawhaw Milk Candies. It’s similar to that but softer, chewier. Absolutely no hint of medicine so I’m sure you’re kids would approve!

What are the Benefits of Taking Probibears?

Its active ingredients are (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis). Sounds familiar? It improves digestion and is actually recommended to treat diarrhea. (source:


Where can I Buy Probibears and How Much?

It’s currently available in Mercury Drug and South Star Drugstores






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