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REVIEW: DHC Nameraka Supplement from Japan

It’s about time that we start talking about collagen supplements. I’ve been receiving a lot of e-mails asking if collagen supplements work. I have answers, and I’m ready to review the collagen supplements I’ve tried throughout the years. What’s the use of having fair and white skin if our skin looks aged and sagging right? Like you, I would like to hold on to my youth as LONG as I possibly can. I will use supplements and creams to do so. Even considering botox and surgery maybe when I hit my 30’s or 40’s.

Buy DHC Nameraka here

A lot of collagen supplements from powder, capsules, to drink form is readily available in the Philippine market. From local brands to imported brands. The question is; Is using collagen supplement effective? What is the best brand to use? First up from my list is DHC Nameraka, it is something


I’ve used for 2 months straight when I was working in Singapore because of the ff. reasons:

1. It’s among the cheapest collagen supplement available at Watson’s (Singapore)
2. DHC is a reputable brand, I reviewed their DHC Cleansing Oil a couple of years ago and it’s a trusted favorite.
3. It has Pueraria Mirifika which also assists in improving skin texture and breast size



It ranges from 950php-1,450php



  • Collagen – 405mg
  • Hylauronic Acid – 45mg
  • Placenta – 105mg
  • Elastin – 30mg
  • Pueraria Mirifika



You take all 3 capsules once a day. Preferably upon waking up or before going to sleep. You can take this together with you favorite glutathione supplement.



It is neatly packaged in a resealable ziplock bag. To be honest I prefer supplements in bottle form, it feels more sturdy. Using it will give you softer and supple looking skin, more like a baby’s butt but it doesn’t have miraculous effects.

It didn’t increase my breast size and the moment you stop taking this, your skin become duller than usual. It has a very low collagen only amounting to 405mg per serving. I gave it 2 months and I feel like I wasted my money using this product. This is low compared to Shiseido Collagen Supplement or even our local IVI Collagen that has 5,000mg per serving. I would be reviewing those 2 collagen supplements soon so stay tuned.

What collagen supplement have you tried lately? Do you have anything in mind that you would like me to try? I’d like to hear what you think so leave your comments and suggestions below 🙂


Date Published: September 14 2014

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