Lifestyle,  Personal Musings

Macho Kid and his Passion for Arts and Science!

Hi guys! You probably already know about my son, Geof (jop for short). Also known as Macho Kid! We’ve been sharing a good amount of social media time on instagram as I like to save as many precious memories as possible. Because our kids, they grow up fast. Soon enough he’ll venture into puberty, then adulthood T_T

Today I’ll be sharing with you bits and piece of his odd but endearing hobby which is building construction using blocks or sometimes, random objects.


Macho Kid Trivia:

  • Favorite food: Pancakes
  • Favorite restaurant: Pepper Lunch
  • Favorite sport: Cycling


Macho Kid’s Interest in Arts & Sciences

Jop National Museum

Just a few weeks ago, Jop and I went along with tita Ana ( to the National Museum of Natural History. It deeply warms my heart to know that somehow there are people funding the arts, science, and literature. 

I told Geof the importance of arts & culture. That without it, we’ll be no different than robots. Art, breathes soul into our lives.


Jop National Museum

Jop National Museum Jop National Museum

He enjoyed all the interactive displays and asked me “Mom, can we go to the National Museum of Fine Arts next time?”.

Definitely! Especially now that I signed him up for iShine Talent Camp 2019 (Art Class)


Jop’s Creations

As promised here are some of jop’s pieces. I feel guilty for not being as supportive as I should. There are times he’d request for bigger boxes or paint. But he had to make to with chubby blocks, legos, or even yes, random objects.


He told me he likes using his imagination and he can see the most mundane objects like a bottle of lotion, to a rocket ship!


His version of the Big Ben clock in London.


His mythical giant cruise ship.

“Transportation yacht”

Make-shift weighing scale.

Cyber-atom art

His essay and drawing on how to save mother earth


He’s looking forward to his iShine Talent Camp this summer! He’ll learn new techniques, new materials, and gain new friends! He’s an only child so meeting new playmates is a plus. 

I can’t wait to share with you what he’s going to create. Possibilities are endless!


You can still join i-Shine 7 this year. They have a lot of classes depending on your child’s interest (dance, theater, music, ballet, art). Visit How to Enroll in i-Shine 7 2019 to learn more.







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