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Is Your Child Gifted? Promil 4’s Spot the Gift App Can Help You Find Out Your Child’s Potential

Have you asked your child lately what he/she wants to be when they grow up? Do you record their milestones? Their interests? Are there days you wonder if your child is gifted?

Jop, what do you want to be when you grow up?

I ask him. More often than not I get a non-chalant answer of “I don’t know yet mommy“.


Macho kid is a child of many talents and I believe all our children are. Since they are after all still kids, they need our guidance for direction. But where do we start? How do we know what are their strengths? Their gifts?

Promil 4’s Spot The Gift is a great way to start. All it takes are 3 simple steps. 


Step 1: SIGN-UP

You can visit their website:

Spot the Gift 

to sign up. It’s so easy! 

Step 2: Take the Test

Now parents. This is what matters most. Answer as HONEST as you can. Base your answers on WHAT YOUR CHILD WANTS and not yours. 




You know what? It’s pretty accurate! I’ve always observed Jop to be inclined to arts and sciences plus the gift of gab. 

I love the fact that they also recommend parents what they can do to further enhance their gifts! Here’s what some of the things Geof and I usually do:

  • Visit Museums
  • Tell him stories every night 
  • Travel 
  • Taking care of animals
  • Reading books
  • Learning how to code


All our children are gifted in their own special way. It’s just a matter of proper love, guidance, encouragement and nourishment so they can bring their skills to adulthood.

Take the Promil Four Spot the Gift today. I would love to know your child’s special gifts too! 


#PromilFour #SpotTheGift #NurtureTheGift 


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