Beauty,  Skincare

Get smoother, younger-looking skin all year round with Kiehl’s Retinol

The beginning of a brand new year is very special for everyone. It’s a time when most people perceive it as an opportunity to start out fresh and carry out their New Year Resolutions in a grand way.

In a survey by Social Weather Report (SWS) on “Is it with hopes or with fears that you enter the coming year?” 74% of Filipinos are throwing “New Year, New Me” out the window and changing it to “New Year, New Shinier and Better Me.” The study stated that the main focus of people would revolve around a healthier lifestyle and making it a top priority for personal betterment.

Kiehl’s, a brand that uses its expertise to create high-quality skincare products that have become staples in many consumers’ skincare routines, believes that it is finally the year to entirely step out, explore and experience holistic, healthy living from the inside out.

So, whether the goal is to lose weight and to get fit, choosing goals that have personal meaning while also understanding the barriers and challenges that have prevented you from reaching your goals in the past will be a key to your success this time around.

Kiehl’s on Being the Ultimate Companion This 2023

Heading into the new year, Kiehl’s is still motivated to educate younger consumers, help them maximize their skincare products, and ensure they have the best experience using retinol in their routine. With that being said, here are some ways to incorporate Kiehl’s Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Retinol Serum into your lifestyle and conquer the year with amazingly flawless skin:

●        Health and Wellness

Much like every year, people strive to be the best version of themselves, both physically and mentally. For most people, this means grinding out in the gyms, having a strict diet, and doing a lot of meditation. However, skincare enthusiasts add more flair to these elements by combining a good skincare regimen post-workout. By incorporating Kiehl’s Retinol into your healthy lifestyle, you can count on your skin to keep up with your gains in as fast as 7 days.

●        Education and Time Management

Since juggling deadlines and other priorities are no easy feat. But somehow, avid skincare enthusiasts always find a way to squeeze a quick pamper session into their busy schedule. Kiehl’s, being one of the premier skincare companies in the world, understands the importance of time management, that’s why they highly recommend using Kiehl’s Retinol.

Formulated with Kiehl’s Microdose Technology, busy users can use the product without worrying about the typical adverse reactions commonly associated with retinol. Through Kiehl’s innovative technology, they were able to tame the aggressive effects of Vitamin A-infused Retinol with the fortifying and rebuilding properties of Peptides and Ceramides, allowing for a worry-free application for users who are already working hard and always on the go.

●        Personal Journey

Our young and early years are a time of carefree fun and enjoyment. While most are driven to start carving their own path this 2023, some just want to go with the flow and cherish every moment of the journey, looking like the best version of themselves. Kiehl’s may not know the path for you this year, but you can count on one of the finest apothecaries for skincare to retain your youthful-looking skin and constantly delay the signs of aging in just 1 week.

Since everyone has their own pace, users who are looking for a smoother transition to a skincare routine with Kiehl’s Retinol are highly recommended to use the “sandwich method.”  The trusted method involves applying a generous amount of moisturizer, followed by Kiehl’s Retinol, then finished with another layer of moisturizer.

How To Use Kiehl’s Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Retinol Serum

Kiehl’s Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Retinol Serum is highly dependable in executing and delivering quality results without the constant fear of the common discomfort associated with retinol. Applicable for both day and night use, users can apply one pump to thoroughly cleansed skin, followed by moisturizer. However, for users who prefer day use, it is highly recommended that every routine be finished with a generous amount of SPF protection.

As part of Kiehl’s mission to kick off the year with a bang, all users can make the most out of their experience with one of our Kiehl’s Skin Pros, which users can get first-hand assistance in finding the right Kiehl’s products to incorporate into their routine. Interested users can get in touch with our Skin Pros through our official Facebook Messenger account.

Stock up on these new year essentials by visiting a Kiehl’s store near you or shopping at Kiehl’s official Lazada flagship store.

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