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Effective Scar Removal: Contratubex vs Dermatix

Scars. Almost everyone has it, and each scar has its own story. But what if we want to make it appear less visible. Most scars cause shame and embarrassment to most people causing deep seated insecurities.  I’ve been receiving a lot of messages that ask me what is an effective product to fade scars. So today we’re going to do a comparison review of Contratubex and Dermatix.

Which scar remover is effective? Which product is a waste of hard-earned cash?



What is it?
You can start the treatment with Contractubex® as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches have been removed. The transparent gel contains active ingredients that support the healing process inside the skin, regulating the production of scar tissue and working to positively influence scar formation.

1. Extractum cepae
has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties and prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue.

2. Heparin
softens the tissue structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties, supports cell and tissue regeneration and is able to bind water to the scar tissue.

3. Allantoin

encourages wound healing and has a softening effect, promotes penetration through the skin and relieves the itching often associated with scar formation.

Does it work?


Buy Contratubex here



What is it?
A silicone-based gel that claims to lighten scars

100% silicone

Does it work? NO (Silicone doesn’t do a freaking thing to scars okay?! and Silicone is a cheap ingredient and it’s overpriced)


Buy Dermatix here

Contratubex vs Dermatix

Contratubex wins hands down. See before/after results in the photos below.


Dermatix: No result



Contratubex: Scar visibly reduced and minimized.





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