Build your home gym + cost in the Philippines (1)
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HOW TO: Build your home gym + cost in the Philippines

It’s always been a dream of mine to build my home gym. If you come to think of it, the cost of building your own gym at home is cheaper than gym memberships in the Philippines. I realized it a tad bit too late, only when the pandemic hit, and there was no way I’m satisfied with just bodyweight workouts alone. After doing home workouts, I’ve missed holding the barbell, squatting in a squat rack, and doing deadlifts with real plates.

You can skip reading this if you’re bored and just head straight to my recommendations below

Now, I didn’t just buy everything in one snap. I researched for the best and most durable gym equipment at the best price. While you can find some at a cheaper price, it would cost you in the long run because they’ll break in less than a year. Trust me I’ve been there. I tried to scrimp and “save” only to spend more.

home gym

So here I am, writing this article in hopes of helping whoever who reads this to build their own gym at home. A simple disclaimer though, there are MORE shops that probably also offer quality gym equipment (that I haven’t discovered yet). These are just my recommendations, and this is not a sponsored post

Hope this helps!


Benefits of Having a Home Gym

  • There is no waiting for machines and access is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Privacy and no waiting time.
  • Custom equipment.
  • There is less of a risk with bacteria/germs caused by poorly cleaned equipment.
  • It could end up costing less in the long run.


HOW TO: Build your home gym

Step 1: Secure a space and location

Real talk. If you want to set-up a home gym you need an ample space. The smallest squat rack I found takes up 1×1 square meter, add that to your yoga mat where you’ll do floor workouts and you’re good to go. For me? I didn’t have enough indoor area so I had to build my homegym outdoors. (a lot of mosquitoes but it is what it is)


Step 2: What to buy and where to buy

The good part. Here’s the list of my source of supply! Along with how much it cost me. Sometimes they do have sales so time your purchase well.

  • Olympic sized barbell with knurling
  • Squat Rack
    • Cost: 7,600
    • Where to buy? Undrgph
  • Bench
    • Cost: 9,900
    • Where to buy? Undrgph
  • Bumper Plates – I chose this one because I have hard floors without matting, so it won’t crack
    • Total cost: 8,055
    • Where to buy? Get Forged PH
  • Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Stepper, Resistance Bands


Step 3: How many weight plates do you need for each weight?

home gym

A good basic set of weight plates contain: 

  • 4 x 1 lbs  or 0.5kg
  • 4 x 2.5 lbs or 1kg
  • 2 x 5 lbs or 2.5kg
  • 4 x 10 lbs or 5kg
  • 2 x 25l bs or 10kg
  • 4 x 45 lbs or 20kg


Final Thoughts

However, not everyone can buy everything in one purchase. Some (like me) have to save up initially and just buy what they need. So I recommend getting the “lighter” plates first and build your set just like you build your strength. 

Maybe you can get a pair of heavier plates as a reward for hitting a new PR? 🙂



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