Kojie San Lightening Deodorant

REVIEW: Kojie San Sleeveless Ready Lightening Deodorant

Usapang kili-kili. Yup that’s the filipino word for armpits or underarms. Some have hair, some don’t. Some likes it lighter, some are fine to leave it alone. Today we’ll be reviewing Kojie San Sleeveless Ready Lightening Deodorant.

Don’t get me wrong. Everyone can wear sleeveless no matter what shade your underarm is. It’s my personal preference that smoother and even-toned armpits is more attractive.


My Issue: My underarms overproduce sebum that causes blockage. That in the long-run causes those weird blackhead things that I have to exfoliate once in a while or else my armpits would look like it has measles.


Kojie San Sleeveless Ready Lightening Deodorant Review


What you need to know:

  • contains Kojic Acid to help lighten underarms
  • protection that lasts up to 48 hours
  • deodorant, anti perspirant and anti bacterial in one

Ingredient Analysis

Like most anti-persperant and deodorant products, the main ingredient is Alum-based (tawas). Together with silicones, preservatives, fragrance, and lastly, kojic acid

If an ingredient is placed last on the list, it simply means that it’s the one that is used with the least amount. 

For other products, that may give me doubts in its effectiveness. But due to the strong nature of Kojic and its tendency to give skin reactions. Being last on the list makes it a bit safer.



To be honest I prefer pure deodorant and not anti-persperants. Because if not excessive, sweat should not be controlled. It is our body’s way of releasing toxins from our bodies.

But curiosity made me try this on a whim.

The ball of the deo rolls-on smoothly on my underarms and in a few minutes drys smooth and non-sticky. Which is quite pleasant. It has a mild powdery floral scent that won’t overpower your favorite perfume.

Does it lighten?

After 2 weeks I saw an improvement on my armpit’s tone and texture. There was less occurence of those nasty blackhead-like things. Mainly because kojic acid works as an exfoliant. Such joy!  BUT


After a few more days, I had to stop also because it was starting to irritate my armpits. Making it red and itchy. If I continued using it, scratching my pits would make it even darker.

I heard from my friends and followers that it worked wonders for them! Kojic-based products, sadly are not for me. Try it and see if you’re “hiyang


Disclaimer: All products have been used by me. Reviews are NOT sponsored. Photos from this post may come from brands because while I’ve used them in the past but wasn’t able to take pictures during that time. Please take all my feedback with a grain of salt. Result vary from person to person. Please discontinue use if you  experience negative reactions.




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